Dienstag, 14. April 2015

I am back in Germany!

Hello everybody,

this time I will write fromm back home in Germany.
I am back for two weeks now and I must say it is so nice to be around my family again BUT i miss Africa and my children soo soo much!

I just wanted to tell you that I arrived in Hamburg savely ;)


This weekend Klara, Pauline, Hannah and Signe came to visit me inHamburg to celebrate Signe's birthday together.
We took a lot of pictures together and did sightseeing around Hamburg. Not to forget we partied for Signe ;)

All in all it was a nice weekend ;)

Lots of love from Hamburg

Sonntag, 22. März 2015

My last weekend

Sawubona from Greytown,

this was my last weekend here which is pretty sad. 

On Friday evening we went to the big rugby games at the High School in Greytown. The guys different ages played in many games against another school. Even a varsity team from Greytown, which we knew many guys from, played until the night with fog under big lights. It was a real attraction for the whole town. We got a lift on a pick up back to the Children’s Home.

On Saturday I went to the park with my house. We played with cards, balls, did gymnastics, rode bikes and watched the boys playing soccer. We picnicked hot dogs :)
 Here are some pictures: D


With Nicole

 Today we went to the Tranquili Tea to eat some falafel burger. Now my last days will start and it is still a lot to do. I will hopefully see you all soon in Germany or where ever :)

Love for the last time from South Africa
With Bongi and Nokwazi

With Nonto

Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

Roomieweekend in Durban :)

Sawubona again,
this time I will tell you about my Roomie- Weekend in Durban…
Leonie and I couch surfed with a couple we stayed before. On Friday afternoon we visited an Art Gallery in Glenwood, the area of Durban our couch surfer live in. Afterwards we cooked nicely together and went to bed early since we knew we wanted to get up early to have a swim in the ocean before we would walk all the way to the Moses Mahbida Stadium. We decided to walk up there which was fun. We even got to look inside the stadium :)

It was a really hot day so we were just walking around in Durban and enjoyed the nice weather :)  We were sooo tired from walking around that we fell asleep early.

On Sunday we went again to the Ocean because we wanted to do stand-up-paddling, sadly it was too windy. So we drove to the Victoria Street Market, where the African, Zulu and Indian culture are mixed up together. It was nice walking around and buying nice souvenirs.

Another nice thing we did was visiting the Botanical Garden. 
First we were walking around, than we sat down and just enjoyed the silence: D Since we have been there for the Jonny Clagg concert we knew how nice it is.
In the evening we went to the heart of Glenwood to have dinner in a Moroccan restaurant. It was the “Sunday Nite Jazz”. Eating while listening to this music was a nice way to end a beautiful weekend with the best roomie I could ask for :)
My last week here I really want to enjoy the time with my children. We will go to the park to picnic there on the weekend. For sure I will take a camera along :)
Lots of love from South Africa

Donnerstag, 12. März 2015


Sawubona my loved ones,

I know it was quite a long time since I wrote last.
I really enjoy my time here. Tomorrow I only have two weeks left, which is sad. I wish I could stay longer but saying goodbye won’t get easier.

We spent the last weekend in Underberg, the Drakensberg. I always heard about how beautiful it is but I also thought well the Alps are beautiful as well. But the time we drove through there totally could understand what everybody was talking about. Just look at the pictures and they even didn’t turn out as beautiful: P

We stayed with Peter, a guy who built up his own house for the last ten years. He wants to live with things, all made by himself. So he is planning on make some cheese and wine etc.  So it was really individual and had something of everything. We were able to shower with the beautiful landscape and even the toilet had a window to look out.

Peter showed us the most beautiful places and just drove through the land. We could sit on a matrass in the back of his Bucky. Such an awesome feeling! The time it was raining we just hide under a big blanket.  And yes people looked at us as we were strangers, normally you just see Zulus on the back. But after we even walked into the supermarket without shoes and hair, destroyed through the wind, the people knew we are kinda crazy.

We got to see the Three Pools, the mountain lakes, in which we could bath after our hike there. It was really cold but nice as well. We had a picnic and walked back.


 We stopped to drink a milkshake and afterwards we drove to the Silver streams, a nice waterfall. This waterfall is in the no man’s land between South Africa and Lesotho. 

The second day we hiked 8 km to a place called Panicle Rocks. The hike was really nice through all the high grass and even rivers. 
Panical Rocks

Making nudels
Peter showed us how to bake really bread and we ate a lot of it because normally we just have toast.

We also had the possibility to cook awesome meals like soup or Kartoffelgratain.

On Monday we sadly had to go back to Greytown, but before we wanted to walk through Underberg. Afterwards Peter took us to another Children’s Home. It is led by Sister Abigail. She adopted 17 Children by herself and is a really caring person. She told us about her children and how she wants them to have a good life, to be educated and that she does everything for them.
It was really different than our Children Home. For example there is only her working together with the older children or she wants her children to speak English not Zulu or Afrikaans.

We drove to Pietermaritzburg on the Pick up again but stopped in Howark to look at a really high waterfall and eat ice cream, since it was really hot!

After we arrived in Greytown we saw that some money in our locked rooms was missing. Sadly about the fact some children stole our things (there were also German chocolate, fruits missing) we decided to stop any extra activity for our children and to talk about the whole story with every single house. This was a good decision because we found at least five of the eight boys who stole. We wanted to give them the possibility to apologize and give us the money back, but they didn’t want to say where the money is. So our Oom, Pieter, took us to the police station where we opened a case( in the middle of the night because we tried to talk to them for 1 ½  hours before).
Now the police will talk to the guys and scare them because we don’t want to get them into more trouble and want a future without anything noticed by the police for them. Hopefully it will work.
So, now I have to wake up my children to go play with them.
I hope you are all right!
Lots of love from South Africa


Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

The girls make my day ...

Hey my dear,

today it is a really difficult question for me what I should tell you.
I could probably write a whole essay about my days here in the Children's Home. But I think it wouldn't be as interestig for you as it is for me or my girls here because it is hard to understand how I feel without knowing how life here is. I could tell you about my girls in the house, about every single one...why they are special and what I like most about being in Nuwe Begin. The girls just make my day and brighten up every single one. They make me happy!
But would it really be interesting for you?
So I decided just to update some pictures from last thursady :)


Last weekend we went to Ballito, a small really european city about 30k north from Durban. We stayed with two guys in the mid twenties and had lots of fun together. Since the weather was really good, we spent most of the time at the beach :)

Love from South Africa <3

We got this sweet for Valentinsday, tastes better than it lookes ;)

  By the way Valentinsday is a big deal here.
We had a party for the high schoolers yesterday evening and also made a flirt corner where they could write messages to their friends. Additionaly we made Hefezopf for them. I think they liked it.
So happy delated Valentinsday from South Africa to you, my loved ones :*