Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2015

Living in another country is not about having a different time but about learning about it and its culture!

Living in another country is not about having a different time but about learning about it and its culture!

And my last weekend was defiantly one of those!
Our trip to Johannesburg started early on Friday morning, right after we brought the children to Kammaland. We drove with a bus from Pietermaritzburg for about 6 hours.  Suddenly we heard a big buuum, I thought something hit our bus, but the tire was broken. Hmmm,nice start to begin with. We had to change to another bus and we were friendly welcomed:” Don’t you have enough money to travel? ”, a black woman asked us, since it was one of the cheaper buses.

We finally made our way to Parkstation and looked for a taxi to get to our Couchsurfer. But none of the drivers knew the address and the phone number he gave us was not working. So we asked a policeman to help us. He tried to explain the way and finally said that he will take us, unless it is a problem for us to drive with his car. So when we arrived at the Couchsurfers house, he was not there and the area he lived in wasn’t looking to good. 
Finally we got to meet Pie and everything was forgotten. He is such a funny and warm character. He told us that he is from Rwanda and first lived in exile in South Africa, no he helps other refugees and gives readings about his refugee and new live! Really interesting! With him we were even able to walk to the supermarket in the dark. This evening he cooked spinach from his garden with cassava for us. It was a long evening because Pie liked dancing a lot and gave us lessons in Kizumba and Bassata all evening long!

The next morning we went to the Neighborgoodsmarket in Braamfontein,
 where you could buy lots of special food and even got to try some: D it was delicious! One highlight was a coconut where we could drink from.

Afterwards we went to an Art Gallery. Than we had to walk across the Nelson Mandela Bridge while it was raining until we reached the Market Theater. We didn’t look at it for long but tried to flee into a coffee to warm up with a Milo (Hot Chocolate). In this Coffee there was something like a poetry slam going on, they even sang. This was one of the things you would never get to know in a normal vocation. 

Our last stop for this day was the Carlton Centre, the tallest building of Africa, where we had an impuissant view over Joburg :)

To get back to Pie’s house we had to take a Minibus taxi of which we were afraid driving with. We looked for one with many women in it, but we didn’t feel really comfortable. But what should you do, its public transport: D
After we arrived we cooked a German meal. Knödel and Kartoffelpuffer…

The evening program was dancing in a Reggae Club “House of Thandoor”, in the jewel of Joburg. At first everybody looked at you because we were the only whites in there, but later on many women came and showed us some African dancing. Totally different compared to our dancing. But they can move their hips so much better than we can. Back home we kept on dancing until the middle of the night.

This caused the tired feeling the next morning. But we decided to go to Arts of Main. Also this time we had to get there with the public transport, but since Pie came along we felt much safer.
After walking around and eating a self-made Frozen Yoghurt we watched Pie dancing on the “Rooftop Salsa” before we finally decided to get in there too. We danced (not as good as he did of course) and had conversations with Zulu guys about their culture. This was something really interesting to learn about! 

Again, we decided to go to the “House of Thandoor” to dance. The “Rooftop Salsa” DJ gave us a lift. Since he was born in Ethiopia, grew up in New York and was hungry haha Pie decided to take him to a restaurant with typical African food: A type of black fish with chips and cassava.  All eaten with the fingers and I tried it, it was really nice; D Once again we had a really nice evening!
On Monday we made our way back to Greytown, without any problems :)
This weekend was way to short but it was simply wonderful and we learned a lot about the Zulu and Rwanda Culture :)
Have a nice Friday and a nice weekend, I send you tons of sun since the weather was good until it started to hail couple hours ago.

Love Fredo