Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Last week of the holidays

Hello everybody,
Another week just passed by and we still have holidays :D
But in the last three days most of our kids came back and it is really nice to see them :)
In the last week we continued having our holiday program for the children who stayed here.
Sadly we were not able to have the bonfire but we decided to bake the Stockbrot as usual bread for the children. But while the yeast stood too long it was really salty. Haha
The following day it was the “Idol day”. The children sang songs, often Zulu songs in groups or alone. They were so ambitious and it was nice listening to them. One group even sang a song with my name in it :)

My favorite day was probably “Painting the Recycle”. We had the task to color a big recycle bin with the children. It was a really hard task since not all kids wanted to listen and draw what they were supposed to. But I think in the end with a little help of the aunties and some improvements it turned out nicely.

On Thursday evening we had a party for the older children. We baked some cake and bought chips and soft drinks. All in all I think they liked it and we took a lot of pictures together.

We also had a relaxing weekend and just went on a hike to one of the hills surrounding Greytown.
This was a short post from me this time. School will start on Wednesday and then workaday will be back. Hope you will have a nice week :)

Love Fredo