Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

Happy new year... :D

Happy new year to everybody :)
Yes, we celebrated New Year’s Eve not in Greytown. We went to Durban, stayed there for one night with coach surfers and rent a car to drive to the Wildcoast. We stayed in Mdumbi for five nights.

 But at first let me tell you about our night in Durban. Our surfers, an older couple, hosted us and showed us the University of Kwa Zulu Natal while we took their dogs for a walk there. Afterwards we cooked dinner together and at the night they drove us to “Amsterdam” where Charly, Leonie and I had a huge cocktail.
Merle, ich musste an dich denken :*

The next morning we picked up our car, a VW polo, and managed to fit all in there (we are six girls).

After a long and rough drive we finally arrived in the middle of nowhere. Out hostel was beautiful and we slept again in a hut, but this time it was a bigger one. The following days we were at the beach and just relaxed in the hostel’s living room. We were able to play cards with some other guys.
On New Year’s Eve there was a party organized from the backpackers.  Sadly it rained all day so the bonfire took place on the beach the day after.
But we had some snacks and danced to some music. Even though it didn’t feel like a new year is coming it was a nice evening.

On the hottest day, 2nd of January, we decided to watch the beautiful sunrise. 

Afterwards we planned to go to Hole in the Wall. On our way to coffee bay some of the township children threw a wooden stick in front of our car to claim some sweeties, we were shocked how rude those boys were since the townships there are in good conditions.It is a nine kilometer walk through the Xhosa land to get there. But we decided to walk along the coast, which was supposed to be a really beautiful trail. But it took us sooo long, that we were not able to make our way back before it would get dark. So a pick up stopped and we could hop on its back.  Back in the hostel, two guys from the hostel gave a little concert and it was really nice to listen to. Afterward the other girls had to “kill” almost five liters of wine with our new friends and I just say that it was a nice evening ;)

And yes they all had a hangover, so I was able to make fun of them: D
Later that day we went to the beach for a walk and as a highlight for the last day we saw dolphins :)

They were really close and just beautiful to look at. Another highlight was the seafood meal in the evening in out hostel.

Our way back was also interesting because we were just off the gravel road and were stopped in a police control since we were one person to much in our car. We should pay 300 rands but after long discussions we paid “give me something that makes me smile “100 rands, which the police woman put in her own wallet. We were shocked how corrupted the police is. As breakfast we bought Scones, which are little rolls you normally eat with jam and cream, but mine had raisin in it.
Back in the Children’s Home a new girl was waiting for us. Her name is Helena and she is from Ravensburg.

Since the holidays are still going on, we have a holiday program.
Two days ago we went to Durban beach with the smaller children. For them it was really a nice thing to see the ocean, but for us it was a hard time since we went to a beach where only in small area it was allowed to go swimming.

 In this area only colored people went swimming. The lifeguards runned around and advised the people strictly, aside they were permanently blowing in a whistle, how annoying. We all had to take care of four children which were really hard to find in this big crowed.
After having a burger as lunch we made our way back home.

In the evenig we had to say goodbye to Klara and had as usual when someone leaves us a nice dinner together...

Yesterday we played a running game with the children. They all had so much fun and this caused that we had to play it again today. But today we had the theme “Hobo”. As the big final we were supposed to have a bonfire with bread on wooden stocks but then there came up a thunder storm…
I think we will just do it tomorrow than. 
I will tell you about it. 
Love Fredo

Making the "Stockbrot" for the kids

P.S Leonie and I could finally move into our room :)