Sonntag, 23. November 2014

A little Christmas...

Time runs by soo fast, we have Saturday already. Not too much time till we go on our big trip J did I tell you about it? I and four other volis are going to Capetown J Afterwards we are planning to drive along the coast until we are back home. We are supper excited about this trip: D

But for now I am going to write about my last week and this weekend in Greytown.
This week so Children start to leave to their families because in the beginning of December the big Christmas vocations start here. Since all the exams in the schools are written, the kids don’t have to go to school anymore (isn’t that weird?), so some of them go back home even before the vocations actually start. So we don’t have a study time anymore because there is no homework anymore (if there ever had been haha ). So I have time to play with the kids in my house. 
I taught them some gymnastics had we had so much fun together.

Also Anele, my big little girl from NB left on Friday. I guess because of this she acted so weird this week. Most mornings she did not want to go to Kammaland and did run back home, which is a difficult situation for me because I have to bring her to school, even though she does not want to go! That is a bugging job, believe me!
Well it was hard to say goodbye to her yesterday after lunch. She will be gone for almost two month and I am sure that she will behave really differently when she comes back! But her smile while she kept telling me she is going home was a nice thing to see.
My week kept on being bad because on Monday evening I did cut myself really bad while cooking, but my other girls helped me with the blood as fast as they could. I am sure I am going to have a hub from that :$

On Wednesday Pieter offered Leonie and me as equation for our effort with the Certificates to go along to a meeting in another Children’s Home called Koningsdale. The road to go there is really beautiful. We drove along the President’s house and through a forest called Nkandla Forest. Here you can see how beautiful it is there:)

We even saw a wild horse…

Konigsdale was quite different than our Kinderhuis. It has 89 children there, even from the age 0. We played with the smaller ones for a long time. They also have sheep and horses there. We had an African lunch and made our 2 ½ hour way back home.


Leonie and I were actually really excited about Friday because from noon there will be just the two of us because the others will leave for Durban and the Drakensbergs.
Our hall time was great fun. We danced, played and shoot photos with the kiddies.
Afterwards we cleaned the kitchen and talked a lot about our plans for the weekend. We decided to go to the computer room to research a little bit more about our trip to Capetown. Suddenly the electricity decided to turn off for an hour and we were sitting in the dark. We planned to borrow a movie at LH and eat noodles at midnight while watching “Despicable Me2” (this was a great decision :D). We slept in Toevlug and had a great night. 

Today we will go with two of the Toddlers to the Supermarket where they can spent their pocket money. Afterwards we will bake some Christmas cookies because most of the time in December we will be gone. I can’t wait, we will have great fun I am sure :)
But baking cookies without electizity is really difficult but we had great fun!!

 Lots of Love