Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Time flies by way to fast...

Hello everybody,

this last week school started again. We had to wrap the books of the kids all day long- well, it felt like this… But the best thing is, that all my children are back and the house is full of life again: D

On Wednesday I also had to get up early because it was the first day of school. The Toddlers now all go to another group, the one for the older ones, so it was a little confusing the first day, but I think now the all like it and are happy, more or less ;)

On Thursday evening Charly, Helena and myself decided to spent the weekend in Durban, it was really a spontaneous thought but we had a supergreat weekend!

To begin with we had a lift from a dentist, working in Greytown but living with his parents in Durban for the weekend. We arrived safely in Durban and got to meet our couch surfer, William. He is full of energy and really nice. So our home for the weekend was in New Germany, but honestly I have no clue why it is called like this. This evening we just talked, walked around and felt asleep while watching a movie. Also William’s 12 year old daughter Danny was with us.
We got up early and had some cereal for breakfast, yummy :D
Afterwards we visited the Shangweni Farmers market where you could buy everything…from food, to hippie cloth, recycled stuff, puzzles to jewelry. It was really nice :)
Because it was a freaking hot day we spent the time afterwards at the beach. While bathing, a guy tried to steal Helena’s bag, but we managed to get it back. It was a shock though.
We wanted  to walk on the Durban stadium but sadly it wasn’t open, so we just got ready for dinner. I had delicious Fish & Chips! (Mama! Bitte mach mal wieder Fisch, wenn ich zu Hause bin, den vermisse ich!! :))

The next morning we went to a market again. ,, The Stables” was really different though. This time you could really buy everything, starting with a book to bath utensils. 

This market had an Indian touch. We walked around and finally had Samosas 
  to eat.
Afterwards we had a cocktail in a beach bar while listening to some live Reggae music. The last stop for this weekend was an Art Gallery, called BAT-Centre, for a Jazz Sundowner. We got to know two Germans, one volunteer at this Centre and one emigrant, and good conversations about Africa with positive and negative sides.

The last highlight for this day was a stop in the middle of the night through our lift, the dentist. He bought us some caramel sticks and an Indian milkshake. Not normal Strawberry Shake, no one with nuts, sesame and gummy worms. It tasted really interesting!

Yesterday it was so hot here in Greytown that we spent the afternoon in the green pool with the children, which was a nice thing to do. And yes, while the pumps were not working properly the pool is green.

So this was everything new from Greytown, hope you have an nice week  :D

Love Fredo
infront of Durban's Skyline