Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

Roomieweekend in Durban :)

Sawubona again,
this time I will tell you about my Roomie- Weekend in Durban…
Leonie and I couch surfed with a couple we stayed before. On Friday afternoon we visited an Art Gallery in Glenwood, the area of Durban our couch surfer live in. Afterwards we cooked nicely together and went to bed early since we knew we wanted to get up early to have a swim in the ocean before we would walk all the way to the Moses Mahbida Stadium. We decided to walk up there which was fun. We even got to look inside the stadium :)

It was a really hot day so we were just walking around in Durban and enjoyed the nice weather :)  We were sooo tired from walking around that we fell asleep early.

On Sunday we went again to the Ocean because we wanted to do stand-up-paddling, sadly it was too windy. So we drove to the Victoria Street Market, where the African, Zulu and Indian culture are mixed up together. It was nice walking around and buying nice souvenirs.

Another nice thing we did was visiting the Botanical Garden. 
First we were walking around, than we sat down and just enjoyed the silence: D Since we have been there for the Jonny Clagg concert we knew how nice it is.
In the evening we went to the heart of Glenwood to have dinner in a Moroccan restaurant. It was the “Sunday Nite Jazz”. Eating while listening to this music was a nice way to end a beautiful weekend with the best roomie I could ask for :)
My last week here I really want to enjoy the time with my children. We will go to the park to picnic there on the weekend. For sure I will take a camera along :)
Lots of love from South Africa