Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2014

Merry Christmas :)

And another week just went by…and I know I am posting a lot lately…
It is one week ago since we came back from our big journey and we often talk about it!
So actually it’s not much to tell since we have the big holidays over here and only about 35 children are staying here over this Christmas break, all the others went back home to their families.

We have a really relaxed time and can get up later than usually ;)
One day before Christmas we decorated with four of our children Toevlug really “beautiful” for Christmas. 

Sadly we also had a really rough night because we thought that some strangers were running around our house and try to break into it. We were really scared and also the housemothers tried to protect themselves with wooden sticks. Luckily only some boys from the home stole a key and flied out of their house.

On Christmas day we had a little pool party with some fun games for the kids and in the early evening we went to an English- German Lutheran Church and got to know Carsten. Afterwards he drove us home and we had a bray with lots of nice vegetarian food.J Shortly after we were finished eating two of our housemothers and two former boys and two of the older girls came to celebrate with us. Late in the evening we had our present opening. I got a traditional necklace in blue, black and white. I am wondering when it’ll be the first time I can wear it :)
delicious christmascookies

The following day the Children were supposed to have a Christmas dinner in the hall and they also got some more presents. But this time it seemed like they really liked their gifts and immediately started to play with them.
Christmas day was a really hot day here and it did not really feel like Christmas at all. In the evening we all had a delicious chocolate fondue together and this time the chocolate did taste better ;)

For the 26th of December Carsten invited us to some along to a Christmas party from the German community. The party took place in Braunschweig and every single one who was there could speak German, even though it was Springbockgerman. Their ancestor emigrated from Germany to South Africa and through all the generations they continued to speak German at home. Today they speak German mixed with English, Afrikaans and Zulu. It was weird to speak German all the time.
This party was really different than a party in Germany because they played German Schlager and all persons danced traditional dancing.

Today it was Signes lsat day. We had a nice breakfast in the Tranquili Tea and as a suprise we will have a avocadocake and a beer tonight. I hope she likes it!

Tomorrow we will bring her to the airport and sleep for one night in Durban before we will go on our New Years trip to Coffebay again.

Have a happy new year!