Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

The girls make my day ...

Hey my dear,

today it is a really difficult question for me what I should tell you.
I could probably write a whole essay about my days here in the Children's Home. But I think it wouldn't be as interestig for you as it is for me or my girls here because it is hard to understand how I feel without knowing how life here is. I could tell you about my girls in the house, about every single one...why they are special and what I like most about being in Nuwe Begin. The girls just make my day and brighten up every single one. They make me happy!
But would it really be interesting for you?
So I decided just to update some pictures from last thursady :)


Last weekend we went to Ballito, a small really european city about 30k north from Durban. We stayed with two guys in the mid twenties and had lots of fun together. Since the weather was really good, we spent most of the time at the beach :)

Love from South Africa <3

We got this sweet for Valentinsday, tastes better than it lookes ;)

  By the way Valentinsday is a big deal here.
We had a party for the high schoolers yesterday evening and also made a flirt corner where they could write messages to their friends. Additionaly we made Hefezopf for them. I think they liked it.
So happy delated Valentinsday from South Africa to you, my loved ones :*

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