Sonntag, 2. November 2014

 Sawubona everybody, :)

Well another weeks just went by and I have to admit there was nothing special going on here. We had really nice weather until thursday noon, than it started to rain and still did not stop. I love the nature here,especially these purple leave trees, called Jacranda are so beautiful .

I continued to have a aching tommy and I realized I become it right after I ate the rice. So from now on I can't eat the rice anymore and have to cook my own meal. But I missed cooking, so it is fine :)

On friday everybody was excited to celebrate into Hannah's birthday! WE played games while eating chips and cookies. But it was not only Hannah's birthday, but we also had the birthday party for the Children on friday.

Hannah became a chocolate cake at midnight and we spontenous decided to call a friend to take us to the wembley club, but the party there was almost over when we arrived, driven on the back of the trunk in the rain. We had a couple chats with the guys there and made some fried eggs after we came home. Totally tired we all fall in bed.

Maria, Leonie, Signe and I got up early to suprise Hannah with a birthday and Michaela with an goodbye breakfast. Since she will leave us on monday. Today we will have to bake a cake for her and say goodbye.
So but for the breakfast we had pancakes and toast. I think both girls liked it.

This morning Hannah, Leonie and me went to the Salom Chuch with the Children. It was nice, but it kinda reminds me of a German church, with the difference that all smaller Children were seperated and had their own little ceremonie.

I think this was all about my last week here.
Miss you guys!
Love Fredo

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