Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014

My first weekends :)

The last two weekends we had the possibility to get to know some Africaans, who are really really nice and offered to show us the nearest beautiful places.
After Maria, Hannah and I went to a bar on Friday two weeks ago we could visit some hot springs, called Shushu. The weather was good and it was a really nice place to be. Afterwards we drove by the President’s house. It was weird to see this big place and the Townships( little small houses the poor people live in) right next to it.
The last stop was a view point, where we could see the whole area we have just been to this was so beautiful. This area is totally different than the area around Greytown.

The following weekend we were invited to a small Dutch oven party, were we ate a typical zulu cooked rice and vegetable meal with oxtail, defiantly not what I like. My stomach didn’t like it either and so it started to hurt for a couple days.  This evening we had a terrible thunder storm.

On Sunday the weather was good( this was really nice because we were used to rain and bad weather), so we decides to walk to a little café about 20 minutes to walk from the children’s home and this was definitely worth it!
So I got an impression on how beautiful the nature of South Africa is and how different it can be in a couple of kilometers  :)

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